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Over 80% of new products fail. Yours doesn't have to be one of them.
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Design Reviews

Over 70% of a product's costs are determined during the conceptual design stage. As a development project proceeds, less and less design freedom remains as more decisions are made and more costs are fixed. The most critical stage and the most critical decisions are made during conceptual design.

Maier Design Works offers design review services to assist companies in the early stages of product development. Working confidentially with our clients, we can provide a comprehensive analysis of the product's affordances, identifying key features that can be exploited for greater profit as well as potentially hazardous features that must be remedied.

As the product development process proceeds, later design reviews help ensure all target affordances are being met and are of high quality. A consistent watch for negative affordances is essential to avoid costly problems, recalls, and even lawsuits after product introduction.

Contact us to begin having Maier Design Works partner with your product development team today.

Training, Tutorials, and Lectures

Maier Design Works offers training in advanced design methods. Sessions can be tailored to meet a particular organization's needs. Multi-day, one-day, and short lectures can be provided.

Topics include:

  • Affordance based design
    • Theory - why ABD works
    • Practice - methods to implement ABD
    • Case Studies - illustrating how ABD works
  • Product Family/Platform Design
    • Designing a new product family ("top-down")
    • Redesigning an existing product family ("bottom-up")
    • Optimizing product platforms and components
    • Manufacturing strategies
  • Creativity methods
    • Individual and group techniques
    • TRIZ - The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving
    • Breaking mental and cultural barriers for "thinking outside the box"


Is your product line stuck in a rut? Can't get ahead of the competition? You need to innovate, and Maier Design Works can help. Maier Design Works can provide a comprehensive analysis of your products and your competitors, surveying existing and new technology, and identify areas for your company to target for greatest payoff. We use affordance based analysis techniques to quickly reveal hidden opportunities for your company.


Maier Design Works
PO Box 527
Westminster, SC 29693

Phone: 864-647-2024

Fax Toll Free: 1-866-311-7042

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